Parents/Students » PTO


Lakevue Elementary School PTO

The main goal of the Lakevue's PTO is to help parents be involved in their child's educational environment. By having parents involved at the school, children's self-esteem grows, teachers achieve much more in the classroom, and parents have a chance to become more familiar with their children's teachers and friends.

We welcome and value the partnership we share with our parents in the important task of educating our children. In the upcoming month's, on this page, you will find pertinent information relative to the parent teacher organization at Lakevue Elementary School.  Listed below are the officers and chairs for the PTO as of the date published. Please call the school for more information or send an email to [email protected]


Lakevue PTO Board Members 2016-2017

  Presidents: Misty Hennessey

        Secretary/ Treasurer:  Rachelle Bailey